Course content
The main elements of the Bachelor program at the University of Potsdam are Experimental Physics and Special Mathematics for Physicists. A variety of lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and seminars on these disciplines are offered from the first semester through to the fifth semester. Course content studied in parallel includes Mathematical Methods in Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.
Non-physics disciplines play a role in addition to this obligatory course content. You can choose from a variety of subsidiary and minor subjects from the very first semester.
In the fifth semester and the Bachelor thesis, you can start specializing in a branch of physics, such as astrophysics, paving the way for a Master’s program at a later stage >>
Astronomy and astrophysics in the Bachelor program
The Bachelor program in Physics comprises various modules that take up the central thematic areas of physics, mathematics and, to a lesser extent, chemistry. Astronomy is one such field. In the very first semester, you will be introduced to the underlying issues of this special field, enabling you to earn 6 credits.
In the fifth semester, you will then select a special field for your area of specialization. Besides astrophysics, you can also focus on condensed matter physics, non-linear dynamics, climate physics or photonics and quantum optics, including the theory of elementary particles.
The specialization in astrophysics is achieved by attending lectures, laboratory classes and tutorials for two semesters. You can also expand and test your knowledge at any time by undertaking your own research projects, job shadowing, attending summer schools and working as a student assistant at any of the institutes within the Astrophysics Network.
Admission requirements
In order to study physics, it is important that you find interest and pleasure in logical, abstract thinking, and that you are curious about physical-mathematical issues. If you aspire to delve deep into complex physical matters and, ideally, already possess sound basic knowledge, then you stand an excellent chance of studying physics with success. It is useful to have taken physics or mathematics at advanced level at school, but this is not a prerequisite. You can brush up your mathematics skills, for example, by taking a Mathematics bridge course at the University of Potsdam.
In addition to being motivated and hard-working, you will, of course, also need a formal qualification for admission to higher education (usually Abitur = high school diploma). The average grade you achieved will not restrict your access to the program.

If you have not yet started studying physics or a similar subject, you will enter the first semester at the University of Potsdam. This option is only available in the winter semester.
There are no restrictions for admission to the Bachelor program in Physics at present. This means that you do not have to apply for a place – you simply enroll (register) at the University of Potsdam. Students use an online portal to enroll.
Before deciding to enroll, take time to have a chat with our specialist advisors. You can also make an appointment to visit the campus in Potsdam-Golm and view the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, the lecture halls, seminar rooms, the Observatory and the labs for the basic laboratory class. This will enable you to get to know your future lecturers and to discover first-hand from students what is so special about studying physics in Potsdam.